
Rock, Paper, Scissors (And Economic Systems)

Using Rock, Paper, Scissors and Hershey's Kisses (fake currency), the World History classes simulated two economic systems that rose in popularity during the Industrial Revolution.
Rock, Paper, Scissors (and Economic Systems)
During the Industrial Revolution, there were some economic theories that gained popular support amid industrial transformations: two of which were Capitalism and Socialism. Using Rock, Paper, Scissors and Hershey's Kisses (fake currency), the World History classes simulated these two economic systems in different rounds. The student who won the round would then take a Hershey's Kiss from the one who lost.
In the first round, each student had to play the game until their teacher told them to stop. During the second round, students could decide whether or not they wanted to play and try and gain more treats. Students then reflected on what factors enabled them to end up with more or fewer Hershey's kisses than their peers others. 

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